How To Process: Auto Harness Wire

While sometimes mixed up, there are distinctions between auto harness wire, auto shredder residue, and auto shredder residue wire, and specific equipment needed for each. A lot of people ask about suitable equipment, assuming what works for one can work for the other, but the right equipment for the right application needs careful consideration. Auto…

What Size Separation System Do You Need?

We want to discuss a common industry question: what size wire chopper should you get? When people first contact us, they often aim for the largest model like a C4 or C5, envisioning substantial chopping volumes and material handling. This inclination is understandable, especially if they already have a consistent material source or captive material,…

The Difference Between Granulators and Vertical Mills (& Turbo Mills)

We want to discuss the distinctions between a granulator, vertical mill, and touch upon the turbo mill and their respective applications. Granulators and wire choppers have long been synonymous, typically used together for four decades or so. Over time, granulators have predominantly featured D2 steel blades in various blade configurations—staggered tooth, flat, or scissor-cut. One…